Terms of Sales

Legal Notice




Tel : +33762610624

Société par actions simplifiée à associé unique (SASU) au capital de 4000 EUROS

SIRET 851 689 760 00011

Responsable de publication : FIROUD Damien

Crédit photos : SURF CENTER / mon petit vichy/ Leah cold pictures

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General Sales Conditions


Registration for services provided by SURF CENTER implies the pure and simple acceptance of these general conditions by the subscriber, who agrees to inform each of the participants of all the modalities.


SURF CENTER offers self-rental of watercraft; canoes, paddle boats, windsurfing boards, electric boats, catamarans in the wild. All proposed activities are neither supervised nor insured by guides but an explanation on the use of each craft is made before the start of the activity.


All our activities are by reservation. For this, you have several solutions: by filling out the online reservation form (www.surfcenter.fr) or by directly contacting SURF CENTER by email (damien@surfcenter.fr) , or at the reception of our base at Salles sur Verdon.

OUTINGS: Registration is effective from the moment the subscriber receives an email or SMS confirmation of reservation for the chosen outing.

The balance will be paid directly to the professional in his own name on the day of the reservation.


The rates of SURF CENTER are presented on the website and on the activities catalog available at the reception.

We invite you to refer to the product's technical sheet, available on our website or on simple request.

Prices do not include: the possible rental of equipment (ex: Go Pro), transportation to the activity site (meeting place and practice site) and personal expenses.

For day trips, meals (picnic, water, snack) are the responsibility of the client.


Accepted means of payment: check, holiday voucher, bank transfer, credit card (secure payment via internet) or cash.


For the rental of sports equipment the client acknowledges having the knowledge and technical skills sufficient to practice this sport alone.

The client practices in this case under full responsibility and at his own risk the activity for which the said equipment is rented. SURF CENTER cannot be held responsible in case of accident that may occur during the said un-supervised activity.

The team and the SASU SURF CENTER not having the means to verify the level of sports practice of its clients, it is therefore up to each participant/client to have evaluated his physical form, his knowledge and his skills according to what he wishes to realize. Our activities are open to all; however, certain conditions must be taken into account (age limit, ability to swim, technical level, physical condition, etc.).

It is therefore up to each participant to have evaluated his physical form according to the choices of watercraft he wishes to rent. To know these conditions, please refer to the technical sheets of the courses (consultable on our website www.surfcenter.fr).

You must not be subject to medical contraindication to the practice of the chosen activity.

IMPORTANT: You are not subject to a medical contraindication but you are dependent on special medical care or treatments (asthma, diabetes, etc.) or your health condition requires special attention (fragile joint, back problem, compulsory glasses, etc.), you must imperatively provide the appropriate emergency medicines, according to medical recommendations.


The SASU SURF CENTER is insured for civil liability for all activities it offers and its liability cannot be engaged for activities reserved with other providers.

In case of bodily injury on one of our boats, the responsibility of SASU SURF CENTER is released as soon as the victim is taken care of by the competent rescue organizations, and any subsequent hospitalization will be the responsibility of the victim's personal insurance.

The participant/client is responsible for the equipment loaned to him for the activity. The professional cannot be held responsible for any damages that may be caused by the equipment provided.

In case of theft or deterioration of the loaned equipment, the participant/client may be asked for compensation related to wear or total reimbursement of the equipment.

SASU SURF CENTER cannot be held responsible for the loss, theft (including in vehicles), or breakage of items (e.g., glasses, cameras...) that practitioners could bring with them during the activity and which may occur during the activity.


7.1 Cancellation by the client
  • Cancellation of a reservation: Given the high tourist traffic the balance will be required

In case of force majeure and upon presentation of proof, SURF CENTER can refund the sum paid, but cannot be required by the client. In all cases, the client agrees to notify SURF CENTER of all notifications related to the reservation.

7.2 – Interruption during the service

In case of interruption during the service, the client or participant cannot claim any refund.


8.1 – Cancellation

SURF CENTER reserves the right to cancel or adapt the outing depending on weather conditions.

The activity can be canceled for safety reasons (weather, EDF water releases, floods ...) or for any other case of force majeure. In this case, a replacement activity will be organized as much as possible or another date will be proposed to you. If the outing cannot be carried out, the service is fully refunded without being able to claim any other compensation.

8.2 – Exclusion

The instructors of SURF CENTER reserve the right to exclude a participant who is intoxicated or whose behavior is likely to disrupt the smooth running of the activity or compromise the safety of the group. In this case, the client or participant cannot claim any refund or compensation.


A time and meeting place are systematically communicated to you regardless of the service. For the smooth running of activities, we ask you to please take note of the itineraries and other indications previously transmitted by us. Please anticipate your journeys so as to be punctual. We tolerate a maximum delay of 15 minutes. Beyond this time, the duration of the activity will be reduced.


Unaccompanied minors:

Minors under 14 not accompanied by an adult (legal guardian) are not accepted in so-called 'collective' activities.

Unaccompanied minors from 14 to 18 can be accepted in the activities, provided they are under parental supervision.


The gift certificate is effective upon receipt of the total amount of the service.

The order form is nominative. However, it can be transferred to the person of your choice provided that you notify us in advance to change the details of the new recipient.

The recipient of the gift certificate must contact us to reserve the outing.

The activity of the gift certificate can be replaced by another activity proposed by SURF CENTER, provided that the value of the latter is less than or equal to the activity mentioned on the gift certificate. However, it is possible to carry out an activity of a higher amount by paying the difference.

WARNING: The gift certificate has an expiration date. After the validity period (current year), the service will be considered as performed and cannot be postponed. The recipient and/or the purchaser cannot claim any refund or compensation.

The gift certificate and the nominative document must be presented on the day of the outing to SURF CENTER.


The parties will try to amicably resolve any difficulties that may arise in the execution of the contract. If no amicable agreement can be reached, all disputes relating to the validity, interpretation, and execution of this agreement will be governed exclusively by French law.

All disputes, of whatever nature, will fall under the jurisdiction of French civil and commercial courts, including those ruling in summary proceedings.